  • A feeling of agitation and anxiety caused by the presence or imminence of danger.
  • state or condition marked by this feeling.
  • A feeling of disquiet or apprehension.
  • A reason for dread or apprehension.
Change is not the easiest thing to do, to physically change you will notice that your mentality will follow.  If you change mentally you will notice that you will also, change physically.

Fear will always hold you back

I want to start working out but I have no idea what I am doing-This is a fear of the unknown, if you don’t start looking for answers you will always hold yourself in the same mindset.  The ability to learn is not as hard as one would think, with the internet, books, magazines, professional assistance and friendly advice the tools are completely within your reach! But the fear of asking and admitting your knowledge is at a minimum can paralyze you! It will keep you trapped standing still and not moving forward.  The process of change is one of a small step by step operation leading into leaps, you have the power within yourself to make the small steps forward, if you choose to overcome your first objection, fear.

I want to join a gym but I don’t want everyone to judge me-The most common of fear, discrimination.  I have understood from most clients that they want to join a facility where no one is mocking them, they don’t want to be on a machine doing the movement wrong, they don’t want the people who are already fit to be laughing at them, looking or talking about them.  The truth is, most are in the gym looking at themselves! You will notice that from competitors to new members the sense of improvement is avid in each member, you are all in the same category! The competitor has a higher goal and a higher sense of improvement than the one who just joined, they are completely focused on themselves rather than you! In all honesty YOU notice THEM rather than the other way around, they are in the gym for the same purpose, you have nothing to fear and in actuality, you can learn from them.

I don’t want to eat the same thing all the time-This is a fear of non-variety, who says you have to eat the same thing over and over? 
Meats-Chicken, Turkey, Lean ground beef, Sirloin steaks, Tilapia, Catfish, Salmon, Venison, Buffalo, Tuna.
Carbohydrates-Oatmeal, Red potatoes, Ezekiel bread, Rice, Sweet potato
Vegetables-Green beans, Asparagus, Broccoli, Peppers
Additional proteins-Almonds, Protein shakes, Egg whites, Protein bars/puddings
So where are you eating the same thing over and over? Did you know that I encourage a cheat meal per week? Have at it! Enjoy! Mix it up as much as you can, learn new recipes and styles of cooking that not only taste good, meet your nutritional goals but are quick and easy to cook.  There are a huge variety of sugar free treats for you as well, you just have to find what you like.

I don’t want to give up my social life-The fear of being lonely, you feel that you will be missing out on a good time, you feel that you will have no human connection, you feel that you only work and workout.  I believe that a social life is extremely important and I believe that you should utilize it, if a social life means social drinking or social eating, you might want to check and see if it fits in with your goals. It might be time for a change if you have not noticed a “change” in yourself physically, or change your goals.  I understand that things in your life might need to change, you have to find ways to have a great social life that doesn’t interfere with your goals, these goals are the ones that you set upon yourself, how bad do you want it? Are you willing to sacrifice? Learn other ways to have a great time! Appreciate the outdoors rather than the inside of a bar or restaurant, reach out to new people, surround yourself with successors! 

I don’t want a personal trainer to tell me how ‘fat’ I am, how ‘lazy’ I am, how ‘unhealthy’ I am or how I am doing it ‘wrong’-The fear of misunderstanding or judgment.  A personal trainer needs to be your coach, your shoulder to lean on, your understanding and your protector.  Pick a trainer who has a back story, their own personal struggle, their own ways of overcoming objections.  If you don’t want to know your weight or body fat, don’t ask for it! Who says that you have to know? Instead of how lazy you ARE, find a trainer who will encourage a more active lifestyle, instead of how unhealthy you ARE, find a knowledgeable trainer deep into nutrition and ways to incorporate it into your lifestyle! Instead of WRONG, learn techniques from your trainer to appropriately incorporate the correct muscle to its full capability! 

Fear is a mindset, not a lifestyle

Please be honest with yourself, don’t look for the answer that YOU are looking for, look for the answer to best suit your goal to change.  Every time I train a client I am amazed at how far they have come, I don’t let their long path distract me from where they are, rather I am excited at the fact that they have the ability to now travel that path.  Change is in YOU, so is fear! You have to let change be the stronger power within your mind and drive fear to the very back, you will amaze yourself, the most important person! 

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